Durant ce webinaire animé par un panel d'experts, les intervenants aborderont les moyens d'accélérer le développement de médicaments et d'améliorer le retour sur investissement en adoptant une approche « 3D » axée sur le design, la diversité et la digitalisation des essais.
Oncology trials present unique challenges and will be the focal point for this discussion, but the key insights the speakers will cover are applicable to a wide range of therapeutic areas. Therefore, attendance is recommended across all therapeutic areas, ranging from cardiovascular to neuroscience to rare disease and, in fact, any enrollment-challenged indications.
The need to improve geographical, racial, ethnic and other forms of diversity and inclusion in trials -including new legislation and regulatory guidance documents to spur adoption of diverse trials - has been at the forefront of the industry for several years. The speakers will draw insights from what has worked and what still needs to be done, and how new tools, digital and mobile health and other innovative approaches can lead the way. Again, oncology poses special challenges due to the rarity of patients in certain indications and limitations on the ways in which recruitment can occur, particularly during earlier trial phases and where patient-centric approaches may be hard to implement.
With so many recent advances in the application of "big data" strategies and artificial intelligence to trial design and execution, the speakers will discuss concrete ways in which these novel approaches have impacted trials and pipelines. With the perspective of a leading oncology CRO, the speakers will review case studies and aggregate insights with an eye toward improving trial outcomes and performance against key performance indicators (KPIs) by working within an ecosystem where the CRO, investigator sites, patient advocacy groups and industry-leading partners all contribute to a shared mission of accelerating getting new treatments to patients in need.
Key lessons in applying novel strategies to boost DEI from real-world examples to support trial designs that will enhance ROI and adherence to KPIs
The importance of incorporating new data strategies and the impact of artificial intelligence on trial design and execution will be discussed in the form of case studies and insights from around the industry